Haydée’s Musical Stories
Haydée Grillo’s inspiration for creating musical stories originated from a talent contest directed by Bapak during the 1969 Subud World Congress celebrated in Toronto, Canada. Upon her return home to Venezuela, she talked with her daughter Magdalena Frómeta, a music teacher, about creating an integral method of artistic expression which she named “Musical Stories.” Her main objectives for all Musical Stories projects are to emphasize three areas: to Inform, Educate and Entertain.
Inform—They inform because the theme revolves around a central theme that is developed not only through the narrative of the story, but also through complementary workshops of various disciplines.
Educate—They educate by contributing to a child's internal growth and emphasizing the development of their creative potential.
Entertain—They entertain because they inspire theatrical, printed and audiovisual productions on radio and television.
Haydée Grillo has written more than a dozen Musical Stories and many of them have been featured as theater productions. Recently, her story entitled "El Arcoíris” (The Rainbow) highlighting the importance of unity, integration and love among human beings, was interpreted by a group of children with Downs Syndrome to great acclaim and satisfaction on the part of the cast and their families. By including in these productions a mix of family members, teachers, special children and disadvantaged social classes, the Musical Stories positively influence family, social and educational integration. Given the economic crisis that Venezuela endures today, it has not been possible to publish the most recent Musical Stories and this lack of budget has also prevented us from developing these themes into other types of productions.
From its inception as a spiritual offering, Musical Stories have been Haydée’s lifetime endeavor and her hope is that it will become an integral aid for teachers to enrich the lives of children and their families. She would greatly appreciate receiving any economic support to continue to produce stories that enlighten and bring us all together.